What Else Do You Do? Neurosurgery and Beyond: A Perspective on Trainee and Staff Well-being and Feeling Valued
Dear Editor-in-chief
I write this letter to focus on various aspects of valuing a team and team building in this time and age where attrition is at its peak.1,2 Since COVID-19 pandemic, the perspective of work ethos has changed with a significant rise in mental health issues, burn out and healthcare workers quitting their jobs across the globe.
After spending a decade as a Consultant Neurosurgeon in the National Health Service (NHS), I strongly feel that setting safe boundaries with colleagues and trainees, staff well-being and being valued as a member of the team are aspects that compliments delivering the best and safe neurosurgical care to the patients pari passu. As often said, it is easy to divorce one’s spouse but not your colleague (if you are in a job, with a potentially long retirement period ahead!). Read more . . .

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