Selected Abstracts from GENOPRO-2017- 4th International Conference on “Emerging Trends in Protein Science and Proteomics”
The Department of Biotechnology (Convener: Dr. Nitesh Poddar, Co-convener: Dr. Dinesh Kumar; Organizing Secretary: Er. Sachin Srivastava) organized the 4th International conference entitled “Emerging trends in protein science and proteomics: GenoPro2017” on 15th and 16th Sep, 2017. The theme of the conference is to understand the structural–functional relationship of each protein contents in the whole proteome with the help of cutting edge proteomics tools. Protein science is a cross-disciplinary nomenclature encompassing segments of scientific fields such as molecular biology, biochemistry, proteomics, genetics, bioengineering and nanotechnology. The GenoPro2017 international Conference was sponsored by DST-SERB, ICMR, New Delhi and Invertis University, Bareilly.
In this 4th international conference GenoPro2017, Dr. Shashi Bala Singh, DS & Director General-Life Sciences (LS), DRDO, New Delhi graced and honored as a Chief Guest. She talked about the biomarkers used in protein science and new fields of proteomics such as nutritional proteomics and translational proteomics. Read more . . .